

assert 定义

#ifdef  NDEBUG

# define assert(expr)           (__ASSERT_VOID_CAST (0))

# if defined __cplusplus
#  define assert(expr)                                                  \
     (static_cast <bool> (expr)                                         \
      ? void (0)                                                        \
      : __assert_fail (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_FUNCTION))
# elif !defined __GNUC__ || defined __STRICT_ANSI__
#  define assert(expr)                                                  \
    ((expr)                                                             \
     ? __ASSERT_VOID_CAST (0)                                           \
     : __assert_fail (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_FUNCTION))
# else
/* The first occurrence of EXPR is not evaluated due to the sizeof,
   but will trigger any pedantic warnings masked by the __extension__
   for the second occurrence.  The ternary operator is required to
   support function pointers and bit fields in this context, and to
   suppress the evaluation of variable length arrays.  */
#  define assert(expr)                                                  \
  ((void) sizeof ((expr) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({                     \
      if (expr)                                                         \
        ; /* empty */                                                   \
      else                                                              \
        __assert_fail (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_FUNCTION);   \
# endif



可以在项目中的 CMakeCache.txt 文件中找到是否有NDEBUG的定义。

一般 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE 设置为 Release 或者 MinSizeRel 时,NDEBUG 会被定义。