




# 获取所有tmux会话的列表
sessions=$(tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}')

# 遍历每个会话
for session in $sessions; do
    # 获取会话中的所有窗口列表
    windows=$(tmux list-windows -t "$session" -F '#{window_id}')

    # 遍历每个窗口
    for window in $windows; do
        # 获取窗口中的所有 pane 列表
        panes=$(tmux list-panes -t "$session:$window" -F '#{pane_id}')

        # 遍历每个 pane
        for pane in $panes; do
            # 发送Ctrl-C信号给窗口中的每个pane中的程序(前台进程组)
            # tmux send-keys -t "$session:$window.$pane" C-c
            # 发送回车信号给窗口中的每个pane中的程序(前台进程组)
            tmux send-keys -t "$session:$window.$pane" C-m

-F 说明

-F 选项用于指定输出的格式,#{} 用于指定输出的内容,list-sessionslist-windowslist-panes 命令都支持 -F 选项。

节选自 man tmux

Sessions, window and panes are each numbered with a unique ID; session IDs are prefixed with a ‘$’, windows with a ‘@’, and panes with a ‘%’.  These are unique and are unchanged for the life of the session, window or pane in the tmux server.  The pane ID is passed to the child process of the pane in the TMUX_PANE environment variable.  IDs may be displayed using the ‘session_id’, ‘window_id’, or ‘pane_id’ formats (see the FORMATS section) and the display-message, list-sessions, list-windows or list-panes commands.

     Certain commands accept the -F flag with a format argument.  This is a string which controls the output format of the command.  Format variables are enclosed in ‘#{’ and ‘}’, for example
     ‘#{session_name}’.  The possible variables are listed in the table below, or the name of a tmux option may be used for an option's value.  Some variables have a shorter alias such as ‘#S’;
     ‘##’ is replaced by a single ‘#’, ‘#,’ by a ‘,’ and ‘#}’ by a ‘}’.

     Variable name          Alias    Replaced with
     alternate_on                    1 if pane is in alternate screen
     alternate_saved_x               Saved cursor X in alternate screen
     alternate_saved_y               Saved cursor Y in alternate screen
     buffer_created                  Time buffer created
     buffer_name                     Name of buffer
     buffer_sample                   Sample of start of buffer
     buffer_size                     Size of the specified buffer in bytes
     client_activity                 Time client last had activity
     client_control_mode             1 if client is in control mode
     client_created                  Time client created
     client_discarded                Bytes discarded when client behind
     client_height                   Height of client
     client_key_table                Current key table
     client_last_session             Name of the client's last session
     client_name                     Name of client
     client_pid                      PID of client process
     client_prefix                   1 if prefix key has been pressed
     client_readonly                 1 if client is readonly
     client_session                  Name of the client's session
     client_termname                 Terminal name of client
     client_termtype                 Terminal type of client
     client_tty                      Pseudo terminal of client
     client_utf8                     1 if client supports utf8
     client_width                    Width of client
     client_written                  Bytes written to client
     command                         Name of command in use, if any
     command_list_alias              Command alias if listing commands
     command_list_name               Command name if listing commands
     command_list_usage              Command usage if listing commands
     cursor_character                Character at cursor in pane
     cursor_flag                     Pane cursor flag
     cursor_x                        Cursor X position in pane
     cursor_y                        Cursor Y position in pane
     history_bytes                   Number of bytes in window history
     history_limit                   Maximum window history lines
     history_size                    Size of history in lines
     hook                            Name of running hook, if any
     hook_pane                       ID of pane where hook was run, if any
     hook_session                    ID of session where hook was run, if any
     hook_session_name               Name of session where hook was run, if any
     hook_window                     ID of window where hook was run, if any
     hook_window_name                Name of window where hook was run, if any
     host                   #H       Hostname of local host
     host_short             #h       Hostname of local host (no domain name)
     insert_flag                     Pane insert flag
     keypad_cursor_flag              Pane keypad cursor flag
     keypad_flag                     Pane keypad flag
     line                            Line number in the list
     mouse_all_flag                  Pane mouse all flag
     mouse_any_flag                  Pane mouse any flag
     mouse_button_flag               Pane mouse button flag
     mouse_line                      Line under mouse, if any
     mouse_sgr_flag                  Pane mouse SGR flag
     mouse_standard_flag             Pane mouse standard flag
     mouse_utf8_flag                 Pane mouse UTF-8 flag
     mouse_word                      Word under mouse, if any
     mouse_x                         Mouse X position, if any
     mouse_y                         Mouse Y position, if any
     origin_flag                     Pane origin flag
     pane_active                     1 if active pane
     pane_at_bottom                  1 if pane is at the bottom of window
     pane_at_left                    1 if pane is at the left of window
     pane_at_right                   1 if pane is at the right of window
     pane_at_top                     1 if pane is at the top of window
     pane_bottom                     Bottom of pane
     pane_current_command            Current command if available
     pane_current_path               Current path if available
     pane_dead                       1 if pane is dead
     pane_dead_status                Exit status of process in dead pane
     pane_format                     1 if format is for a pane (not assuming the current)
     pane_height                     Height of pane
     pane_id                #D       Unique pane ID
     pane_in_mode                    1 if pane is in a mode
     pane_index             #P       Index of pane
     pane_input_off                  1 if input to pane is disabled
     pane_left                       Left of pane
     pane_marked                     1 if this is the marked pane
     pane_marked_set                 1 if a marked pane is set
     pane_mode                       Name of pane mode, if any
     pane_pid                        PID of first process in pane
     pane_pipe                       1 if pane is being piped
     pane_right                      Right of pane
     pane_search_string              Last search string in copy mode
     pane_start_command              Command pane started with
     pane_synchronized               1 if pane is synchronized
     pane_tabs                       Pane tab positions
     pane_title             #T       Title of pane
     pane_top                        Top of pane
     pane_tty                        Pseudo terminal of pane
     pane_width                      Width of pane
     pid                             Server PID
     rectangle_toggle                1 if rectangle selection is activated
     scroll_position                 Scroll position in copy mode
     scroll_region_lower             Bottom of scroll region in pane
     scroll_region_upper             Top of scroll region in pane
     selection_present               1 if selection started in copy mode
     session_activity                Time of session last activity
     session_alerts                  List of window indexes with alerts
     session_attached                Number of clients session is attached to
     session_created                 Time session created
     session_format                  1 if format is for a session (not assuming the current)
     session_group                   Name of session group
     session_group_list              List of sessions in group
     session_group_size              Size of session group
     session_grouped                 1 if session in a group
     session_id                      Unique session ID
     session_last_attached           Time session last attached
     session_many_attached           1 if multiple clients attached
     session_name           #S       Name of session
     session_stack                   Window indexes in most recent order
     session_windows                 Number of windows in session
     socket_path                     Server socket path
     start_time                      Server start time
     version                         Server version
     window_active                   1 if window active
     window_activity                 Time of window last activity
     window_activity_flag            1 if window has activity
     window_bell_flag                1 if window has bell
     window_bigger                   1 if window is larger than client
     window_end_flag                 1 if window has the highest index
     window_flags           #F       Window flags
     window_format                   1 if format is for a window (not assuming the current)
     window_height                   Height of window
     window_id                       Unique window ID
     window_index           #I       Index of window
     window_last_flag                1 if window is the last used
     window_layout                   Window layout description, ignoring zoomed window panes
     window_linked                   1 if window is linked across sessions
     window_name            #W       Name of window
     window_offset_x                 X offset into window if larger than client
     window_offset_y                 Y offset into window if larger than client
     window_panes                    Number of panes in window
     window_silence_flag             1 if window has silence alert
     window_stack_index              Index in session most recent stack
     window_start_flag               1 if window has the lowest index
     window_visible_layout           Window layout description, respecting zoomed window panes
     window_width                    Width of window
     window_zoomed_flag              1 if window is zoomed
     wrap_flag                       Pane wrap flag


  1. sessions, windows, panes 都有唯一的 ID,分别以 $@% 开头。
  2. 可以通过 -F 选项指定输出的格式,#{} 用于指定输出的内容。
  3. list-sessions、list-windows、list-panes 命令都支持 -F 选项。
  4. 遍历时用到三种格式:#{session_name}#{window_id}#{pane_id}